Review of the actions of Raskolnikov (Person one)
Overall, apathetic of, pushing disgusted by, the society that is changing around him
Western philosophy
Belief in superiority over fellow man
Wasted the money his mother sent him
Mother couldn’t really afford to send it to him
He gave it away to the drunkard’s family
Through his antisocial behavior, he caused his sister’s marriage to be ruined
Insulted prospective husband
Showed up to the meal after being told not to (further insult)
Killed the pawnbroker and her half sister
He’s kind of an axe murderer…
Killed pawnbroker to steal her money
Killed sister because she was a witness
Allowed another man (men) to take the blame for his actions
First the painters, then others, and then a man confessed and Rodya never said a word.
Dissection of the actions (Person two and three)
Treated everyone horribly, rejected friends, etc. (170)
Western philosophy is repulsive, he was dealing with internal turmoil. Eventually he returns to society through confession and personal purgatory.
Wasted money
Mother didn’t have it to give, and even though he didn’t want it, the wastefulness was still irresponsible.
His waste was charitable and good hearted
Ended marriage
Destroyed his sisters opportunities at a comfortable life due to his own pride
The marriage was a sham, because her prospective husband was a vapid and shallow individual.
Axe murderer
He murdered two people in cold blood to steal money.
2. no real “defense” persay, but he did once again suffer his own personal purgatory during parts 2-6 (i.e. dreams, illness, maddening suspicion, etc.)
e. Let others take the fall