After examining the material in this article, the material seems bias because the contributors have a vested interest in the outcome of the findings.
This article is a memorandum from Vice President Biden to President Obama that describes the Ready to Work Partnership Program that spells out a grant approved by the government. The author emphasizes looking beyond federal programs and agencies for answers to job-training programs. The author also explains that the administration engaged in an intensive review to identify, initiate, and implement actions to make federal employment, training …show more content…
programs and policies more job-driven and effective.
This memorandum is a good resource for understanding what the governments point of view is on job-training programs, however if you are researching the importance that training is to the unemployed unskilled workers then this memorandum will not give you enough information.
This article discusses the chronic unemployment and poverty rates in America as of March 2013. The author focuses on the nation’s Transitional Jobs strategy, which reportedly combines, paid work, job skills training, and supportive service for workplace success. The author also discusses case-managed social services and methods of reducing reliance on public benefits, along with job creation, unemployed job-skills training programs.
This source is a good unbiased resource for research on unemployment, poverty, and how strategies are used for workplace success.
This article has two parts.
The first part of the article discusses how the first model of criminal choice and the way of conceiving criminal behaviors has drastically changed. The author mentions criminal choice is no longer determined by mental illness or bad attitudes. In the second part the author argues that criminal decision is an economic choice made by rational people. In particular, a relationship exists between crime and socioeconomic variables, such as poverty, wage and income inequality, level of education, and other economic and social factors that may affect individual's propensity to commit crimes.
This article is a good source for those who want to explore the controversy surrounding criminal behavior and socioeconomic conditions. The research for this article actually examines some of the research studies done on how the behaviors of people change depending on their socioeconomic status.
This study examines the types and extent of overlap among federal employment and training programs targeting economically disadvantaged persons, dislocated workers, and older workers. The researchers provided information on nine programs targeting economically disadvantaged persons and how they shared common goals, had comparable clients, provided similar services, and used parallel delivery mechanisms and administrative structures with at least one other …show more content…
This study is a good source to use for a research project comparing the available programs for economically disadvantaged persons. The authors of this study were not bias because they have no invested interest in the results.
This article notes that nearly one-third of the world's labor force is either unemployed or underemployed and the trend in the labor market is "grim". The author alsostresses that the number of working poor is on the increase, wage inequalities are widening and the long-term unemployed risk virtual expulsion for the labor market.
The author describes broad social, economic, and demographic trends affecting the US labor force.
The author focuses on demographic trends, work and family issues, health and pension patterns, technology changes, unemployment, globalization, and the plight of low-skilled workers.
This article is a good resource when researching the low-skilled labor market and how it affects millions of Americans.
This article focuses on findings from the U.S. Department of Labor's that identifies situations of poverty based on four types of formal job training programs and the controversy surrounding government and privately training programs and their effectiveness. The focus of this report shows that despite the fact that the average per capita income has grown in the last decade, progress in poverty reduction has slowed down.
This article is a good source for researching job-training programs because most of the research has been done but caution must be kept to identify credible information.
This article argues that the trends and patterns need to be revised by the world's leaders to target the needs of the poorest Americans. The author focuses too narrowly on government aid instead of dealing with the core causes of poverty. Further, the author suggests that government estimates of poor Americans is too
The author discusses the job situation of African American males in the United States and the steps taken by the government to overcome it. The article points out that the structural transformation of the U.A. economy from a relatively closed system with a substantial number of well-paid, highly automated manufacturing, and growing educational and training requirements for well-paid service sector jobs has not helped employment prospects for urban African Americans.
This article is a good resource to research improving the idea of job training, remedial education and employment of young African American males. However, the material is weak because the author does not address all people needing training skills only African Americans