POVERTY IN THE UNITED STATES by Stephanie S. Greathouse
CST5990– Counseling Studies Integrative Project
Stephanie S. Greathouse
October, 2009
213 Krisken Court | | Warner Robins, GA 31093 | | 478-225-0721 | | mnsabina@ cox.com | | Dr. Catherine Waugh | | | |
Poor people did not create poverty but are its victims in an imperfect system that wanted to feel good about itself (Björn Söderfeldt, 1996). This paper will discuss some of the causes of poverty within the United States. Historically have there always been those that lived in poverty? Who defines the poverty line that affects so many people? Who lives in poverty today? What situations exist in our society that contributes to poverty? What ways are presently known to decrease some of the poverty that exists within our society today?
Table of Contents
Introduction 4
Statement of the Problem 5
Ethical Concerns 6
Methodology 9
Theoretical Framework 9
Research Question 10
Sampling Process 11 Data Analysis 14
Common Error When Interpretation 17
Literature Review 21
Reference List 30
Although the United States of America is the envy of the world because of its great resources and advanced technology a great many of its residents live in poverty. In fact, a 12.6% of the population lives below the minimum standards required to maintain adequate health, diet, and shelter (Babbie, 2004). There evidence to suggest that those who live in poverty are also discriminated against in schools,
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