Chapter 10 A. Impact of Arrests on Court Process: B. Arrests without a Warrant: * Most common form of arrest except for arrests made within the home * Must have a warrant before going into someone’s home with the exception of exigent or emergency situations * Examples of these situations: Pursuit or the destruction of evidence
Arrests with a Warrant: * Legal preference- * Neutral magistrate- someone who is not involved in the arrest * Probable cause- strong form of evidence of criminal activity C. Stop and Frisk: * Must have reasonable suspicion (even less than probable cause) * Terry V. Ohio- court case that showed what rights constitute being under …show more content…
It is the level of proof necessary to conduct a brief Terry-type stop
Chapter 11 A. Purpose of Bail: * The purpose of bail is to assure those arrested return for their required appearances in court; the adversial system assumes everyone is innocent until proven guilty B. Law in Action with …show more content…
Business Setting of Bail Bondsmen: * F. Bail’s Effect on Criminal Defendents: * G. Key Terms & Concepts: * Bail- The security (money or bail bond) given as a guarantee that a released prisoner will appear at trial * Cash bond- Requirement that money be posted to secure pretrial release * Preventative detention- Holding a defendant in custody pending trial in belief that he or she is likely to commit further criminal acts or flee the jurisdiction * Property bond- Use of property as collateral for pretrial release * Release on Recognizance- The release of an accused person from jail on his or her own obligation rather than a monetary bond
Chapter 12 * Reasons for Process of Discovery:
* Formal & Informal Discovery:
Formal discovery-
Informal discovery- * Regulation of Police Interrogations: * Exceptions to the 4th Amendment: * Court Cases: 1. Brady V. Maryland- 2. Weeks V. U.S.- 3. Mapp V. Ohio- * 3 Exclusionary Rules: 1. Pretrial