
Criminology: Routine Activities Theory

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Routine Activities Theory
Autumn Eliason
Keiser University
CCJ1010- Criminology
Michael Teague, MS
September 16, 2011

This paper will define and explain the meaning of Routine Activities Theory. It will explain how it can effect or change everyday life, lifestyles, and crime involved. It will also show the three factors involved in crime and victimization, and give examples of each of the three factors. It will show similarities between routine activities theory and lifestyles approach. An example of how someone may become a victim to the theory. All information in this report was collected from a series of books required for the Criminal Justice Program at Keiser University of Lakeland. Routine Activities Theory is
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Ones routine may influence the amount of exposure one has with potential offenders, how valuable or vulnerable they or their property is as a target, and how well guarded they or their property may be.
Routine activities theory and the lifestyle approach are similar in a number of ways. Agreeing that a person 's living arrangements can affect the risk of being a victim and those who live in unguarded area are at the mercy of motivated offenders. Both the theories rely on four basic concepts: proximity to criminals time of exposure to criminals target attractiveness and guardianship
There are five important components of lifestyle, identified by research as contributing to opportunities for criminal victimization. Each of these factors has an important influence on crime, the combination of these factors, as indications of lifestyles that may best explain criminal
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An example of how someone could become a victim, using Routine Activities Theory would be: An individual that lived in a highly populated area, and worked a third shift job. They followed the same schedule everyday and worked Sunday through Friday and left the house every night around eleven o 'clock, then returned home every morning around eight o 'clock. The neighborhood is by an apartment complex known for criminal activity. The house is unarmed and the streets are poorly lighted. A motivated offender looking for a score has noticed that this individual always leaves at the same time every night, and returns home at the same time every morning. This making the individual 's home a suitable target and with lack of a capable guardian. In conclusion, Routine Activities Theory is the idea that crimes only occur when three elements are present: motivated offender, suitable targets, and absence of lack of capable guardianship. When these three elements come together in place and time, the chance of a criminal event occurring is greatly

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