Warren Bennis the world’s leading exponent of leadership theory has described leadership as ‘the capacity to create a compelling vision and translate it into action and sustain it. Like art, leadership is subject to competing influences and popular movements that are constantly changing the way it is perceived’.
Leadership Behaviours
There are many dimensions to leadership and many possible ways of describing leadership styles, such as dictatorial, unitary, bureaucratic, benevolent, charismatic, consultative, participative and abdicatorial. The style of managerial leadership towards subordinate staff and the focus of power can, however, be classified broadly, within three headings, namely authoritarian or autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire. However, in keeping with the Contingency theories, there is no single style of leadership that is appropriate to all situations.
The aim of this paper is to provide the writer with the opportunity to utilize the theories and models of leadership in a practical way. It focuses on the implications for me as a leader as well as my Personal Awareness and Skills displayed within the organization to which I am employed. The analysis was informed from the completion of two (2) skills exercises (Appendix II and IV.) Aareas for improvement are highlighted and an action plan that should guide the developmental process also form part of this document.
Profile of Organisation and Leadership Styles and Qualities
Sagicor Life Jamaica Limited, to which I am currently employed, in the capacity of Manager, Human Resources, is part of a large multi-national financial conglomerate operating in 22 countries including North America and Europe. The local operations have a staff complement of 1300 comprising 900 administrative staff and 400 sales representatives. Its growth has primarily been through mergers and acquisitions. Of these transitions, I have been indirectly involved in five.
The Sagicor