"Her Majesty's Seal”
Someone at the British High Commission did not agree with my express photographer that the smile I had practiced in front of the mirror for a whole half hour made me look beautiful brought out my innocence made me look sexy.
He or she had with firm prerogative blotted out my face with her Majesty's Seal.
The lion's head made an obscene pattern on my forehead his torso covered my two eyes and his behind sat imperiously over my nose and sexy mouth.
At least my two cheekbones my vain claim to African royalty stood out on either side of his torso small assurance
I had been totally obliterated by the beast.
It's a lie I tell myself they have no interest in my photo they just could not catch me to brand my face force me to carry the mark of the beast in my forehead so they stamped it on my photo instead blotted out my face.
When I arrive at Heathrow her majesty's imperial seal in the place where my face should be will be enough to let me a (former) colonial subject in. (Paulette Ramsay)
The poem “Her Majesty’s Seal” was written by Paulette Ramsay. Examination of the poem reveals that it is about a woman who is about to journey to England. It reveals an experience she encounters at the British High Commission with her photo being stained with “her majesty’s seal”. The stamp was used to interfere with her black image and uniqueness which is a claim to her African royalty as mentioned. This was not pleasing to her and she found it very ill-mannered. The poem captures the poet’s feelings toward the seal that was place on her photograph. She is found this act unpleasant, offensive and purposeful. Ramsay uses free verse, imagery and tone in Her Majesty’s Seal to capture the endurance of a woman’s tale and anger on a journey to England.
Ramsay use free verse throughout the poem to solidify her true meaning to every word