David Johnson
May 18, 2015
Steve Edington
Define Free Will, Truth, Knowledge, and Opinion
-Forming Thoughts
-Critically assessing Situations
-Perceiving the message
-Reality of Advertisement
-Perception and Reality
Critical and Creative Thinking in Society
To understand critical and creative thinking in society, one must first know the definition of critical and creative thinking. According to "University Of Accreditation" (2014), "Critical thinking is the active, persistent, and careful consideration of a belief or form of knowledge, the grounds that support it, and the conclusions that follow. It involves analyzing and evaluating one’s own thinking and that of others” (Critical Thinking). Creative thinking is the generation of new ideas within or across domains of knowledge, drawing upon or intentionally breaking with established symbolic rules and procedures. It usually involves the behaviors of preparation, incubation, insight, evaluation, elaboration, and communication ("University Of Accreditation", 2014). Thinking critical and creative is something people do from day to day; on the job, at home, school, and even while sleeping. Thinking allows an individual to process their thoughts before making any decisions, and helps them to gather creative ideas when trying to create something new.
This essay will define free will, truth, knowledge, and opinion and what role they play in critically assessing situations. This essay will also identify a message in advertising, describe how one may perceive the message of the advertisement, and distinguish between ones perception and the reality of the message.
Define Free Will, Knowledge, Truth, and Opinion
There are hundreds of advertising commercials being shown on television daily and the strategies they use to capture the audience attention sometime raise question of what is it they are really
References: University of Accreditation. (2014). Retrieved from http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=6&ved=0CDsQFjAF&url=http%3A%2F%2Faccreditation.ncsu.edu%2Fcritical-creative-thinking-definitions&ei=OSFcVb_PG9etyATIz4PwAQ&usg=AFQjCNHDi1lpXWlTvqEXCL3PHSlUWoBBEA&sig2=2UAM_dwYL2afO-wLQJSzXQ&bvm=bv.93756505,d.b2w