Professor George De Falussy
Great International Films (FAR 2915.30)
Critical Essay #3
May 19, 2012
To be Reality or to be Fantasy . . . That’s How the Labyrinth is Solved
History helps to provide people with a further understanding of events that transpired in the past and is also used to help determine events that could transpire in the future. Film can be used in the same way. A director can choose for his movie to depict factual events in the past in order to teach his audience a moral or value to help avert events that could repeat themselves in the future. In Guillermo del Toro’s movie Pan’s Labyrinth he depicts real world that follows along with historical events and a fantasy world that encompasses ancient myths passed through generation. The film Pan’s Labyrinth shows historical relevancy in both its fantasy and real worlds, demonstrates the superiority of men over women through the creation of a patriarchal society, and contains amplified amounts of imagery and symbolism. Guillermo del Toro’s film Pan’s Labyrinth alternates between a fantasy world based off the ancient myth of Cronus and a real world based on Spain during the late 1930’s. Between 1936 and 1939 the people of Spain lead a revolt against the Republic government of Spain through a series of battles with the nationalists (who were supported by Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany) (Spanish Civil War (Spanish History): Introduction." Encyclopedia Britannica Online). In 1934 military General Francisco Franco led troops to suppress a workers revolt. Upon his succession he gained popularity enough so that on October 1, 1936 he was named head of state and set up a socialist government in 1939 by declaring himself dictator (Spanish Civil War (Spanish History): Introduction." Encyclopedia Britannica Online). This historical event and character parallels that of General Vidal and the Guerilla attacks on the stronghold. Set in 1944, the battle scenes and guerilla warfare that transpire
Cited: Pan’s Labyrinth. Screenplay by Guillermo del Toro. Dir. Guillermo del Toro. TequilaGang /Estudios Picasso / Telecinco. 2006.