In this essay I shall be critiquing an article titled “Nurses’ preparedness to care for women exposed to intimate partner violence: A quantitative study in primary health care. This study was written by Eva M Sundborg, Nouha Saleh-Stattin, Per Wandell and Lena Tornkvist. The study discussed the impact that intimate partner violence has on women. It discusses how nurses working in primary health care need to be prepared when it comes to identifying victims and being able to offer the correct advice and support to women. The aim of the study was to assess the preparedness to identify and offer the correct nursing care to women who are being exposed to intimate partner violence. The study was carried …show more content…
This framework breaks down the article into the different parts, the abstract, and the introduction, review of literature, theoretical framework, hypothesis/research questions, research designs, sampling, instrumentations, procedures, results and discussions. It breaks each heading down into 4- 6 more questions in order to break down the article and be able to critique it.
Sigma Theta Tau is the global Honor Society for Nursing and Nursing Scholarship and Research. In 1922, six nursing students founded Sigma Theta Tau at the Indiana University Training School for Nurses. The Greek letters they chose stood for “storgé,” “tharsos” and “timé”: love, courage and honor. Ninety years later, the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) serves 130,000 active members in more than 85 countries and the nursing profession at large. Unfortunately I have been able to research much on the Theta Kappa Chapter as to access information requires you to sign up and become a member of Sigma Theta Tau …show more content…
Review of the Literature
The middle sections of the article will be different depending to the type of evidence based (Mazurek Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt 2005)
Does the literature review support the need for the study by providing an overview of what is currently known about the topic under consideration?
The literature used in the study supports the article as it relevant to what is already known about the subject.
Does the literature review identify gaps and/or inconsistencies (discrepancies)?
The literature used in the study does not identify inconsistencies or gaps in the information that was received in the study.
Does the literature review identify and include all relevant concepts and study variables?
The literature identifies that in previous studies of this nature that women who were suffering from intimate partner violence preferred to be asked directly by staff about what was happening to them.
Are primary or secondary sources utilized?
This study uses primary sources, as it is based on the answers from the nurses who completed the questionnaires
3. Theoretical