Sustainable development becomes a challenge because we have conflicting needs. We want fresh, clean air to breathe but we also want to buy cars
We want to conserve forests but we need trees to build houses
We want to swim in clean waters but we need factories. Factories usually use water from rivers to power machinery or to cool down machinery
How do we balance conflicting needs?
What are the important steps that have to be undertaken to achieve the goals of sustainable development? What arguments could you present to the country’s leaders? Use good arguments to present your point of view. Use additional tools such as Venn diagram, truth table, chart, graphs to support your arguments.
Alternative sources of energy such as wind, solar, hydropower and biomass can be harnessed to meet Vietnam’s rapidly increasing demand for energy. While there has been some early success, deployment of renewable energy has not reached the country’s potentials yet
Why is this happening?
Provide solutions to the problems using at least 2 forms of Argument.
Use additional tools such as Venn diagram, Truth table, chart, graphs to support your arguments.
Viet Nam is considered as one of the most vulnerable countries due to climate change and sea level rise. If sea level rises to 1 meter, Viet Nam will lose about 12% of land, 23% of population will be affected. Typhoons will occur more frequently with higher intensity. Temperature increases and change in rainfall pattern will affect agriculture and water resources.
What are the problems that Vietnam will face in the next 20 years?
What are the solutions to the problems using at least 2 forms of Argument.
What would you do in the future to prevent these kinds of problems from happening? Use at least 2 different forms of argument to support your views Use additional tools such as Venn diagram, truth table, charts, graphs to support your arguments.
Inspectors of the