Bsc. Human Resource Management
(Group B3 Sunday)
Prepared as partial fulfillment of the course
Critical thinking
Ms. Sherrell R. Wilson
Presented by:
Andrew Onfroy BS08-12468HR3
Date of submission:
November 7, 2010
The article was written by distinguished veteran journalist, Clare Forrester. Ms Forrester received an award in 2006 from the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) for effective leadership and was praised in the citation for the Award as being an effective journalist. The article was published in The Daily Gleaner on September 22, 2010 and is titled “Is the Milk of Human Kindness Drying Up at St. George’s College?”
Although the title is limited to St. George’s College, the purpose of the article is to bring across the writer’s opinion that church- based schools in general are autocratic, draconian and unsympathetic in their approach to governance of schools operated by them. It is her opinion that greater scrutiny of church-based schools is desperately needed.
The writer bases her conclusion on two recent cases. The first, being the appointment of a principal in a church-controlled school. She believes the main criteria of the selection process to have been the individual’s church affiliation as opposed to who is the best person for the job. The second example was that of St. George’s College where a number of students were recently expelled without regard for their legal rights, including the right to a fair hearing. In one case, this was followed with the refusal of the principal, Ms. Margaret Campbell, to discuss the matter with the child’s family members. The writer pleads for greater public scrutiny of church-controlled so as to ensure that the children’s rights are not breached.
Are church-controlled schools being governed properly?
The article is well-organised and the writer’s style effective. The title draws the readers’ attention: is care and compassion at St.