The main principles and values which underpin the health centre’s services for patients are based on the NHS Constitution . These are
• Access to services
• Respect for dignity of the individual
• Transparency of information about services
• Respect for privacy, confidentiality of and right of access to personal information
• High quality of care and environment
Taking each of these principles and values in turn, what do they mean in practice for patients at the health centre?
Access to services
Our patients have the right to receive free NHS services and the right not to be refused services on unreasonable grounds.
In practice, this means that: o you will be treated free of charge (apart from certain exceptions) o you will have access to all services offered by your local NHS o have the right to access these services within maximum waiting times (see NHS Constitution). o you can expect to receive treatment that the doctor considers appropriate o you can expect to receive appropriate advice about how to stay health and avoid illness
Respect for the dignity of the individual
Our patients have the right not to be discriminated against in the provision of services on the grounds of gender, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, disability (including learning disability or mental illness) or age.
In practice, this means that:
• you can ask to see a doctor of your choice. We will try to comply with your choice.
• you can choose to have a chaperone, a friend or a member of your family with you during your consultation with the doctor
• you can choose to accept or refuse the treatment offered to you
• the surgery has a ramp for wheelchair access and toilet facilities for the disabled
Transparency of information about services
Our patients have the right to information about how