Stages of Critical Thinking
Stages of Critical Thinking
Complete the matrix by identifying the six stages of critical thinking, describing how to move from each stage to the next, and listing obstacles you may face as you move to the next stage of critical thinking.
|Stages of critical thinking |How to move to the next stage |Obstacles to moving to the next stage |
|EXAMPLE: |Examine my thinking to identify problems |Deceiving myself about the effectiveness of|
| |that affect my thinking. |my thinking |
|The Unreflective Thinker | | |
| |Recognize the role that critical thinking |Self center defensiveness, rationalizing |
|The Challenged Thinker |plays in our daily lives, and what problems|and self-deception that are related to |
| |occur with poor thinking habits. |thinking problems, and intellectual |
| | |arrogance. |
| |Taking control over, and acting on problems|Running away from problems associated with |
|The Beginning Thinker |that affect critical thinking. |rationalization, self-deception, and |
| | |self-centered defensiveness. |
| |Realizing the need and developing a plan |Self-centered defensiveness, intellectual |
|The Practicing Thinker |to practice thinking