Duggan has a good knowledge of dementia, experience coming from her personal and professional life, and has carried out previous studies (www.dur.ac.uk).
Blackman has an educated understanding of dementia, and is the former director of the Oxford Dementia Centre (www.dur.ac.uk). In addition it was from the above mentioned study with Duggan in which the article of study stems from. Martyr demonstrates an understanding of dementia, and has carried out research in working memory, and deficits in early dementia (www.dem.sagepub.com). Van Schalik is linked with psychology related research, however, he has been involved in another study with Blackman, and Martyr in 2007, which looked at ‘outdoor environments for people with dementia: an explanatory study using virtual reality, ageing and society (www.tees.ac.uk).
The researchers appear to have a sufficient combined knowledge of dementia, and have carried out an appropriate literature review in preparation for the study. Denscombe (1999) states that literature reviews are relevant as they look at studies that have already been done in relation to the study topic, and can contain