The Challenges of Ageing
Michelle James
Assignment (Essay) 40%
The ageing of the world’s population is a global phenomenon increasing the demand for adequate health care services available to older people. It continues to challenge those who plan and manage the services for older people and even more importantly those who deliver the professional and clinical care within the system such as Nurses. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (2009) predicted that the number of older Australians, as a proportion of the total population, will double over the next 40 years and in addition to this the World Health Organisation (2006) estimated that there are 18 million people living with dementia, which is expected to double to 37 million by 2025.
Dementia is a general term indicating changes to cognitive function that result from a range of specific, usually progressive and irreversible disorders of the brain. The most common of these disorders is Alzheimer’s disease (50-70% of cases) (Alzheimer 's Association 2007). The symptoms of dementia include loss of memory, confusion and problems with speech and understanding (Alzheimer 's Association 2007).
Innovations in care for older people aim to demonstrate major shifts in the aged care workforce to improve the future supply and adaptability of the workers, therefore enhance and improve older peoples’ health outcomes and health services. This paper will address and discuss the issues and challenges involved with creating environments that enhance dementia care, a key innovation in care of older people.
‘Design of the physical environment is increasingly recognised as an important aid in the care of people with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. … Design is regarded as a therapeutic resource to promote well-being and functionality among people with dementia.’ Day, Carreon & Stump (2000)
According to Nay & Garrett (2009) the impact of the social and physical environments on older
References: Alzheimer’s Association 2007, Designing a Care facility, Viewed 01 August 2010, Blackman, Schaik & Martyr 2007, Outdoor environments for people with dementia: an exploratory study using virtual reality, Ageing & Society, Vol. 27, pp. 811–825 Australian Bureau of Statistics 2009, Population by Age and Sex, Australian States and Territories, no. 3201.0, ABS, Canberra Connor, A 2009, Design & Environment: Dementia friendly environments and wellbeing, Dementia Supplement, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 52-54 Day, Carreon & Stump, 2000. ‘The Therapeutic Design of Environments for People with Dementia: A Review of the Empirical Research,’ The Gerontologist, Vol. 40, No. 4. Fleming, R Forbes, I & Bennett, K 2003, Adapting the ward for people with dementia, NSW Department of Health, Sydney, Australia. Nay, R & Garratt, S 2009, Older people: issues and innovations in care, 3rd ed, Churchill Livingstone, Sydney. World Health Organisation 2006, Age-Friendly Environments Programme, Viewed 08 August 2010, Zeisel, J, Silverstein, N, Hyde, J, Levkoff, S, Lawton, M and Holmes, W 2003, Environmental Correlates to Behavioral Health Outcomes in Alzheimer’s Special Care Units, The Gerontologist, Vol. 43, No. 5, pp. 697-711.