Nic Shaw
Word Count 558
Functional skills are defined as ‘practical skills in English, information and communication technology (ICT) and mathematics that allow individuals to work confidently, effectively and independently in life.’ (The Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency, 2010). These skills are often termed ‘transferable skills’ as they can be applied (or transferred) to different situations/contexts (Gravells. A, 2008).
This assignment will evaluate two examples of activities which as a teacher will be embedded into the delivery of training to health and social care staff who work in the field of dementia.
The use of the English language will be encouraged through effective listening , when giving knowledge about dementia, and communication through discussion. In my experience some care staff lack in confidence. Therefore by facilitating contribution to discussions and working in groups, in a safe environment with colleagues, this will enable learners to develop literacy skills. In turn they will be able to use this skill in their everyday lives, including their work with people with dementia.
At the end of each session learners will be asked to complete a written reflective learning log. This will not only be an effective method of encouraging learners to use written skills, but also provide them with the opportunity of thinking and improving upon their care practice with people with dementia.
Maths can be embedded into the training with reference to activities for people with dementia. For example: number games could be used, not only to highlight appropriate mind stimulating games for people with dementia, but encourage learners to use these skills themselves.
Numeric skills are important in the field of dementia particularly in relation to medication. Staff are expected to carry out regular stock
References: Gravells. A (2008) Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector, Exeter, Learning Matters Ltd. Marshall, M. (2001) Dementia and technology, In Peace, S.M., & Holland, C., (eds) Inclusive Housing in an Ageing Society- Innovative approaches. Bristol, Policy Press, p 125-143. Accessed 31/10/2010.