There are many different models that can be used to critique and appraise research (Glasper & Rees, 2013). Glasper & Rees (2013) state some of the best research critical appraisal tools include the Crombie, CASP, and Parahoo as well as the Rees model of critiquing qualitative and quantitative studies. The paper ‘Two dead frankfurts and a blob of sauce’: The serendipity of receiving nutrition and hydration in Australian residential aged care is a qualitative study which was published in Australia: Wagga Wagga, NSW. The authors, Maree Anne Bernoth, Elaine Dietsch and Carmel Davies all have qualifications including Ph.D, Registered nurses, RM, and MThH and thus have expertise in the field and can also supply sufficient …show more content…
It provides a perfect example, including first hand stories, of how residents are miss treated and stripped of their rights and values as an aged care resident. The study found deficits in the quality of food and the dining room experience. These impact resident safety as well as nourishment and hydration. This is a violation of resident’s human rights and the rights of residents in aged care. Therefore, it is vital to learn from these participants’ experiences and thus apply improved nursing practice in aged care facilities across Australia. This practice would aim to significantly improve patients’ rights and values as an aged care resident in Australia. Findings from this study infer that standards are not being met and this adds to the serendipity of residents in aged care facilities accessing adequate nutrition and hydration. These standards include standard 2.10 ‘nutrition and hydration and standard 4.8 ‘catering, cleaning, and laundry’. The study specifies that these standards mandate that residents much be nourished and hydrated within a clean environment (ACSAA, 2012). Clinical expertise, supervision, and support are required by staff to enable them to provide appropriate care for the resident who is most in need (Kayser-Jones, 2002). However, the study states too much emphasis was placed on food-borne pathogens while inadequate attention was placed on the cleanliness of cutlery and crockery, older persons are deemed childlike and therefore impacts staff interaction, staff may not have read care plans and few staff are rostered during a night shift when residents are most vulnerable. Even though policies and nutritional guidelines are written regarding nutrition, the implementation of these appears poor. This is due to the kill mix of staff, time constraints and inadequate staffing (Merrel, Philipin, Warring, Hobby & Gregory, 2012).