This paper gives a short overview of the observed behavioral pattern across some of the far east Asian countries. Understanding these behavioral patterns is important for doing effective communication with people/people group from these countries. The effective communication holds one of the key of establishing business and personal relationship in these countries.
This paper also looks into some of concepts and theories in intercultural and Cross-cultural communication, thus providing a brief empirical research into culture-based value variations and providing a short outline of the major works in this area (e.g. the works of Hall, Hofstede, and Schwartz). Having insight into the cultural dynamics of a country or region can be very helpful to understand why people act the way they do, and the appropriate way you should act while in that country. As international, multinational, trans-national, multi domestic, and global business continues to expand and bring people closer, the most important element of successful business outcomes may be the appreciation and respect for regional, country, and cultural differences - known as cultural diversity.
1. Introduction
The advent of the global economy is changing the fundamental nature of our governments, businesses, organizations and populations. In short, we are no longer constrained by state boundaries but have all become part of an interdependent international network. One of the key changes this has triggered is the need to communicate effectively with different people in different languages and from different cultures. It is now recognized that linguistic and cultural knowledge are two of the most vital areas of knowledge that organizations must come to acquire if they are to integrate, progress and succeed in the marketplace. Cross-cultural communication is a must. Cross-cultural communication (also frequently referred to as intercultural communication) is
References: Dahl, Stephan, "Intercultural Research: The Current State of Knowledge" (January 12, 2004). Middlesex University Discussion Paper No. 26. Academic Paper by Dr. Brendan McSweeney, Published in Human Relations, Vol. 55, No. 1, [January] 2002, pp. 89-118