Use a human translator. Pg114 Observe local holiday customs – don’t try to do business mid Dec to mid Jan. pg 123-------------------------------------------------
Keep it business. Pgs 111-125Communicate, this country is similar – so communication should be relatively easy – biggest barrier is time zone. | Russia | Face-to-FaceBusiness OrientedRussian Language | Cool and aloof – they “save their smiles for friends and family” (pg 111)Small gifts acceptable but not expected. (pg 112)Patience is required when scheduling meetings (pg 111) | Can take weeks to receive a reply email or phone call – pg 111Very little personal relationship building – it’s all business pg 113All business performed in Russian – materials, brochures, verbal | | Greece | Face-to-FaceRelationship is necessary. Pg88Similar to US and Western Europe pg 88 | Touchy people, handshake is customary with men and women pg 89Gifts not customary unless already have a relationship or Christmas new year’sCommon for business over a meal pg 91 | Similar to US – on time, Somewhat informal – more relationship based than the US – but sill business and
References: US Commercial Services. (2007). Doing business in Brazil: A country commercial guide for U.S. Companies. US Department of Commerce 64-67. US Commercial Services. (2008). Doing business in Greece: 2008 Country commercial guide for US companies. US Department of Commerce 88-97. US Commercial Services. (2008). Doing business in Russia: A country commercial guide for US companies. US Department of Commerce 111-125.