"Crowdfunding is a virtual phenomenon that aims to promote the realization of projects as varied as possible through the financial contribution of people who are interested in the implementation of such initiatives, motivated by several factors. To better understand the concept, we can break down the name in that crowd, in English, means "crowd"; and funding, "financing". Thus, it can be considered that are projects carried out by financing of a crowd of an audience. But is not based on "public" in "public money", but money invested by the public itself. The various projects such as, for example, cultural nature, such as the production of a CD of a band or the publication of a book, are hosted on a site geared to attract collective donations towards the realization of the submitted work. "(COCATE , Flavia - Libero - São Paulo -.... v 15, n 29, p 135-144, Jun 2012)
The history of Crowdfunding in the Brazilian market:
The pioneering the use crowdfunding in Brazil was the Vakinha site, which enables any type of project, from cultural to staff personal projects, such as buying a mobile phone or even a car.
This idea has been widespread and well accepted by the domestic market, is a new way of achieving a project, through the collective funding, the taxpayer donates because there is an identification with the project, and there are various forms of return, for example, an audiovisual production company is in need of 40,000 reais for the post production of a documentary on Rio's favelas January, from that are created various mechanisms for attraction of such a taxpayer as videos of the creators of the project inviting people to donate and be part of the project, establish quotas, up to a certain value the taxpayer can download the documentary before the release, the other value win tickets to watch the documentary in theaters, finally there are several ways to attract that donor.
My perception is that the Crowdfunding is only a reflection of