Crowning Glory LLC was founded in September 2016. Crowning Glory LLC is not for profit. The paperwork has been started to obtain a 501(c)(3) non- profit status. A 501(c)(3), is a federal tax nonprofit status. The company's vision "To empower young ladies through innovation and modern flare on some traditional ways.
(Ex. Survival Skills, Technology Skills, Financial Management, Living wage abilities.) The mission was to create a mentoring program with a strong foundation, whereby young ladies could obtain guidance and strong support. According to Crowning Glory LLC, by-laws "embrace, empower, encourage, enhance" are considered to be their four E's. Embracing each young lady's uniqueness. Empowering each young lady to aspire to be the best they could be through encouragement change from within. Assisting young ladies in Enhancing self-beauty through a new set of eyes and an open mind. According to the CEO, "Crowning Glory LLC was birth due to a lack of guidance within my community. The focus for us was on young females. Hearing some of the stories of the youth in my community I felt a desire to assist with bringing on CHANGE!"
Leadership and mentoring what is each? It has been mistaken to be one in the same however during the course of this writing assignment I will gather data to prove otherwise that although leaders and mentors may share some similar traits they have different definitions and perform different functions. There are different types of leaders and also mentors; examples of famous leaders are Mya Angelo, Nelson Mandela, Mohammad Ali, Barrack Obama, and Martin Luther King Jr. examples of mentors are Socrates who mentored Aristotle. These are examples of great leaders and mentors mostly in political situations and ancient times. In today's contemporary society there are examples of leaders and mentors in educational institutions, sports, workplaces. They are in need for these organizations to run properly.