Critical Analysis Forms
Fill out one form for each source.
|Source 1 Title and Citation: Human Beings Will Be Extinct Within One Hundred Years |
|"Human Beings Will Be Extinct Within One Hundred Years." Are Mass Extinctions Inevitable? Ed. Noah Berlatsky. Detroit: Greenhaven |
|Press, 2012. At Issue. Rpt. from "'The End's So Close!': End of Humanity in 100 Years!" Daily Star 11 Jan. 2011. Gale Opposing |
|Viewpoints In Context. Web. 14 Nov. 2012. |
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|1 |Identify the principal issue presented by the |The principle present in the article "Human Beings Will Be Extinct Within |
| |source. |One Hundred Years" is that humans are at high risk to being doomed and |
| | |extinct. |
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|2 |Identify any examples of bias presented by the |The author in the article did not make any biased statements because there |
| |author. If none exist, explain how you |is proof to this matter. As the population of human increasingly grows, |
| |determined this. |there will be a probability of overpopulation. Global warming and climate |
| | |change is also a factor which can cause humans to become extinct. |
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