Partner: Camille Dupiton
Lab #1
Purification of a Solid: Crystallization and
Melting Point
Section: A61
Laboratory Exercise #1
Purification of a Solid: Crystallization and Melting Point
In this lab exercise, we will be learning experimental techniques using glassware and other apparatuses. In order to successfully complete this lab, we will use techniques 1.0, 1.1,1.2,2.0,2.1,2.2, and 2.3 that are described in the Lab Manuel. In addition, we will learn how to determine the melting point of a solid through use of a thermometer correction, as well as the Digi-Melt. Finally, we will learn how to purify a solid using the gravity filtration technique, the initiation of crystallization, …show more content…
After dissolving the unknown solid 38 in distilled water, we heated the solution. We then added Norit charcoal, a substance added to solutions in order to remove impurities because it is able to absorb a large range of contaminants, until the solution was a light green color. Next, we used hot gravity filtration to filter the charcoal out. After doing this, we allowed the solution to cool to room temperature before placing it in an ice bath to form crystals. About 15 minutes after placing the solution on ice, small, white-colored crystals began to form on the bottom of the solution. We then performed a vacuum filtration using the Buchner funnel, allowing us to separate the crystals and the solution. After the crystals were filtered out of the solution, we dried and weighed them. In order to determine the melting point of our unknown solute, we had to first determine the melting point of benzoic acid to ensure that the apparatus was calibrated. We found that the melting point of benzoic acid was 123 degrees Celsius. After we determined this, we were then able to use the Digi-melt apparatus to find the melting point of our unknown solid.
After finding the melting point, we determined our unknown solid to be Benzoic Acid because of the 123 degree Celsius melting point. We then were able to find the percent recovery to be 17.3% after our crystals were