English Literature
Internal Assessment
Name of candidate:
Date: 16th April 2013
School: East Mucurapo Secondary School
Registration number:
Country: Trinidad and Tobago
Title: Twelfth Night
Painting :
Disguise and Deceit
I chose the themes disguise and deceit in the play as a base for my pieces. Even though there are many other themes which run throughout the play such as love, gender, society and class. However I wanted to focus on the more comical aspects of this play because I find comedy to be fascinating. In doing my research about Shakespeare’s Twelfth night, I came across an Italian play that was compared to Twelfth Night. It was called “Gl, Inganali” which is translated to “the deceived ones”. In this play the plot is almost identical to that of Twelfth Night. This was also very influential in my choice of theme for my art piece.
The second part of the play's title, What You Will, also seems to get its fair share of comedy as it emphasises the anything goes attitude captured in the play. Where all characters cross social boundaries and engage in foolery ‘even if they're unaware of their behavior.’ Words are also associated with deception, and leave characters vulnerable to trickery, especially when gullible figures already suffer from self-delusion. Comedy was also brought into this play due to the way blatant lies allow the play to think about the relationship between appearances and reality Disguise were used in Shakespeare’s later comedies, ‘Much Ado About Nothing.’and ‘As You Like If’. He also repeats , with variation, the incident of a trick upon a character who is vain. Disguise or trickery in these plays was Shakespeare’s