Welcome to Foundations of Cybersecurity CSIA 301, a hybrid course. My name is Professor Nancy M. Landreville and I have been teaching here at the University of Maryland, University College since February 2007. My phone number is (301) 401-0144. You may contact me by phone any evening during the week (Monday - Friday) from 7:00pm - 9:00pm. You may email me at any time at nancy.landreville@faculty.umuc.edu . I encourage you to use the private messaging area rather than the faculty email address. This will facilitate faster response to your course questions. I will respond to your email within 24 hours from receipt of your email. Please place the name of the course in the subject line so I know the email is from one of my students. I check email every day from my students. I encourage you to contact me with any questions about the course, require that you contact me for extenuating circumstances for late work, and meet with me online for any required conferences that are held during the course. We will meet in the online chat room at least once this semester to discuss the midterm and once this semester to discuss your final assignment. This is in addition to your required face-to-face attendance each week for eight weeks.
Course Description
Prerequisite: CMIS 102. A comprehensive introduction to the protection of business information and the systems that support business processes. The objective is to identify common threats and attacks employed against Web-accessible applications, analyze the role of security models and architectures, explain the role of cryptography, and analyze issues related to security management and network security.
Course Goals/Objectives
After completing this course, you should be able to
describe the necessity of secure architecture in information systems analyze the role of security models and architectures and their relationship to information security explain the