MW 12:30-1:45
Spring 2014
Instructor: Bruce A Sherman
Office: Science Building Annex 225
Phone: 985-549-2026
Office Hours: Monday 8:30-10:50, 1:45-2:30, Tuesday and Thursday 8:30-9:20, 11-12:20, 1:45-2:30, Wednesday 1:45-2:30, Friday 10:50-12.
Textbook: Physical Geology 14th ed., Plummer, Carlson and Hammersley, Evolution of the Earth 8th ed., Prothero and Dott.
The purpose of this course is to familiarize the student with the basic concepts of Geology.
All students are expected to attend lecture.
All students are expected to sign the attendance sheet. DO NOT sign in for anyone but yourself.
If you have a recurring special need related to attendance, please see me after the first class and explain your situation. If you have to leave class early, let me know at the beginning of class.
Each student is responsible for all material covered in any lectures that they are absent from.
All absences require documentation to be considered excused. This documentation is due the first class period after the absence occurs!
Also, no blanket excuses. If you have a recurring health concern let me know as soon as possible.
Failure to do the above will result in your absence being unexcused. Simply sending an email does NOT excuse you from class. Also, excuses will NOT be considered after the aforementioned times (such as at the end of the semester.)
Acceptable Documentation: Official University excuses, Official Dr. Notes, Official Funeral home notifications (no obituaries unless your name is in it), Police Reports, Notes from employers on company letterhead, Military orders, receipts (only if your name is on it, i.e. towing bill)
Non-acceptable documentation: Obituaries, notes from parents, emails, receipts.
ATHELETES: You have to bring a University Excuse form BEFORE the trip in order for it to be excused. Check with your coach for the form. It is the student’s responsibility to