Sedimentary Rock Worksheet
Use the following table to describe and distinguish between the effects of weathering and erosion. Each response must be at least 200 words.
|Effects of Weathering |Effects of Erosion |What are the Differences? |
|Weathering is a multifaceted contact of |Soils that are removed naturally by living |As stated before, weathering is based on |
|biological, physical, and chemical |organisms, water, wind, and ocean currents,|two different process called Mechanical, |
|developments that changes the rock in some |or ice is called erosion. This is a |and Chemical Processes that decompose |
|specific or general way. The physical |natural and healthy process for the |rocks. Chemical involves the chemical |
|properties of rock or stone are widely |ecosystem. When there is an excess of |changes in the minerals that are inside the|
|different between rock groups. Because of |erosion this can cause trouble and damage |rocks, whereas the Mechanical process is |
|the differences in the pores and the |the ecosystem. Overpopulation has been |due to the physical breaking down of rocks |
|structures of stone, it will not show signs|linked to erosion. |into fragments without altering the |
|of alterations the same as another of the |There is off-site as well as on-site |chemicals from inside the mineral parts of |
|same rock group. |erosion sites. Off-site is where the |the rock. |
|By a variety of methods, and grouped as |eroded soil goes to, and on-site is where |Erosion happens when soil or rock is moved |
|Chemical and Mechanical, the minerals can |the erosion comes from. |from one place to another by natural |
|be converted, dissolved or broken down to
References: Murck, B., Skinner, B., & Mackenzie, D. (2010). Visualizing Geology (2nd ed., pp. 212-243). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Prothero, D. R., & Schwab, F. (Eds.). (2004). Sedimentary Geology: An Introduction to Sedimentary Rocks and Stratigraphy (2nd ed.). New York, NY: W. H. Freeman and Company.