There are lots of different relationships a child has parents, siblings and extended family are the main relationships but there are a wider range of relationships that children have which include, playschool workers, their friends, doctors, dentists and people their meet on a regular basis.
A child learns to be independent and strong through a relationship that is loving and secure either with their parent/carer or extended family member. When we as key workers at a setting look after children away from their home, we can help to develop that security and independence. We can help our key children to learn by making them feel safe and secure, by working closely with parent/carers we can ensure the child's needs are met and provide a link between playschool and home, so the child can cope with the separation from their special person in their lives.
The parent/carer and key person all have important roles to play by providing a safe and secure environment for a child so that they can flourish. It is important to create a warm and caring atmosphere, where a child can feel valued and their well-being comes before anything else. In this environment a child gets listened to and they can develop socially and emotionally.
The possible effects of a child having restricted and supervised contact could include the child becoming withdrawn and depressed. The child may also suffer from low self esteem and lack of confidence finding it hard to make new friends, with their peers and adults. They may became reluctant to express affection and may appear insecure.
To support a child to make new relationships we must be supportive by teaching them to share and take turns in order to develop friendships at an early age. We could perhaps introduce a shy child to a group of children that we know are kind and caring, we should encourage a child to think about others feelings as well as their own.
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