Culture is the social heritage which the individual receives from the group; a system of behaviour shared by members of society.
The Tausug or “people of the current” classify themselves loosely as tau higad, tau gimba or tau pu. The tau higad are those living in coastal areas and consider themselves as “more advanced and civilized” than the tau gimba, who live in the regions far from the sea and centers of population and the tau pu, who are living on the islands nearby. Higad means side and also refers to a settlement near the shore. Pu means island while gimba means hinterland.
*Material Culture
The Tausugs have a culture distinct in itself, a way of life which survived and flourished despite the Spaniards’ punitive actions aimed at subjugation. The Americans, with their policy of attraction, did not alter much the Tausug culture. And now the attempts of the government to bring the minorities, the Tausugs among them, into the mainstream of national culture are making the Tausugs even more conscious of preserving their identity. This identity is best seen in the material culture which the Tausugs possess today.
*Characteristic of the Culture
Cumulatuve. Tausug have cultural traditions and knowledge that is stored and passed on from one generation to the next and new knowledge is constantly being added to the existing stock while information which is no longer useful is slowly discarded.
*Culture as a system of Norms
The Tausugs love to be together despite the fact that in the hinterlands the houses are situated far apart. The reasons for gathering together may vary, but always the occasion is an event in man’s life cycle – birth, baptism, circumcision, marriage, death – that is made significant through some religious rites. Thus, in the seventh month of a woman’s pregnancy, a celebration is held to insure safe delivery. Another cause for a celebration is the completion of the lessons on the Koran.
For Tausug’s