“Taking imagination seriously.” TED, March 2011. www.ted.com/talks/janet_echelman.
1. Janet Echelman’s TED Talk “Taking imagination seriously” is about Echelman’s career as an artist and how she was forced to think outside the traditional realm of art to find her place in the art world.
2. Janet Echelman’s method for her presentation included narration of her experiences as an artist and the use of video and photography to illustrate her experience. Her organization is chronological as she uses her experiences to build up to her final point.
3. The style Echelman uses in her talk is conversational. She speaks as if it is a one-on-one account of her career. She becomes a desirable character as she admits the challenges she has faced along with a humble recount of her successes. I admire Janet Echelman’s reflectivity and openness when it comes to her creative process.
4. For my own project, I would like to incorporate the use of visuals to emphasize my point. Visual, specifically photographs, will be beneficial for my presentation because high fashion is best documented through photography. Another move I would like to adapt is Echelman’s quality of reflection. Reflection is important for my project as it will help stress the “so what?” and “who cares?” aspect of my