Differences in race, sex, religious beliefs, lifestyle and sexual orientation are among many cultural differences that may affect how people communicate in the workplace. Resolving communications problems caused by cultural differences requires patience, understanding and respect. A major mistake is forming opinions before even engaging in communications. Opinions reached before an opportunity to discuss the matter makes resolving conflict difficult. Besides the obvious difficulty in understanding people whose language is different; there are other factors that challenge people who are trying to work harmoniously with others of a different background. People from different parts of the world have a different frame of reference, and they may display emotions differently and display different behaviors.
Language Barriers
Language is a very complex thing, and communication between people speaking different languages is difficult. Language is a way of looking at the world, and even skilled translators can find it tricky to convey complex emotions and concepts, which can lead to misunderstandings. When you think about how often you misunderstand someone speaking your language, you can imagine how hard it is to get the full meaning from something a person with a different cultural background is saying to you.
Hostile Stereotypes
Inaccurate and hostile stereotypes of people from other places can be a barrier to communication in the workplace. Stereotypes are assumptions people make about the traits of members of a group. For example, a stereotypical American is thought to be impatient and arrogant as well as friendly and tolerant. The danger is entertaining stereotypes is that an individual is thought to possess characteristics that are ascribed to the group. Obviously, not all Americans are impatient and arrogant, nor are they all friendly and tolerant. Prejudging an individual
References: "The Multi-Generational Workforce in the Health Care Industry" and "Human Resources Managers Appraisal Schemes." Author: Ruth Mayhew University of Utah: Examining Gender Differences in Technology Acceptance by Arabian Workers: A Survey Study,Author Chris Joseph The Multicultural Advantage; Diversity in the Workplace: Benefits, Challenges and Solutions; Josh Greenberg Kwintessential: Cultural Awareness in the Multicultural Workplace ,By Sarah Gangly, Published on July 22,201