I. My fast-food franchise has been cleared to start businesses in the following countries, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Mexico, and China. I will now begin the construction of my restaurants. The financing of my business will come from the United Arab Emirates, materials will come from China and Mexico, technology and engineering will come from Israel, and the labor in the restaurants will consist of hiring employees from the country my restaurant is located. The management team from the United States will be in charge of the staffing for said restaurants. There will be a meeting of Executives in the United States, to explain the project and provide everyone with the necessary information needed to complete the task at hand, also giving the chance for all the executives get acquainted.
Communication is very important in the business world and is required when expanding business to other countries. To have a complete understanding of a different culture, there has to be respect of customs, manners, and ethnicities. It is important to understand being able to communicate both verbally and non-verbally is the key to success. Because each of the groups may speak a different language, it needs to be priority number one to make sure everyone is on the same page and there is no confusion. Some cultures can feel uncomfortable and insult others, when there is a lack of cultural understanding.
Differing cultural standards of these countries include but are not limited to, politics, social, and education. The language hurdles
References: http://www.shell-livewire.org/business-library/employing-people/management/resource-management-working-with-suppliers/Negotiation-4-Relational-influence-and-power The Community Toolbox (2013). Building and Sustaining Relationships. Retrieved from Krotz, J.L. (2013). The Most Common Negotiating Mistakes-and How to Avoid Them. Retrieved from http://businessonmain.msn.com/browseresources/articles/systemsandprocesses.aspx?cp-documentid=27727711#fbid=jyUPKEfpZoX Live Wire (2013). Negotiation 4: Relational Influence and Power. Retrieved from Countries and their Cultures (2013). United Arab Emirates., Israel, Mexico, and China Retrieved from http://www.everyculture.com/To-Z/United-Arab-Emirates.html http://www.mindtools.com/CommSkll/NegotiationSkills.htm http://ctb.ku.edu/en/tablecontents/sub_section_main_1170.aspx Mind Tools (1996-2013). Win-Win Negotiation. Retrieved from