When it became isolated from other Christian states, when it became unable to maintain its trade, when it depleted its environment (all of the above)…
Christianity and Islam have been the two of world’s most greatest religions for several hundreds years. Obviously, these two religions developed their own unique points of view toward commerce and trading through ever-changing society and different eras. Christianity’s first view toward the merchants is negative because Christians perceived that rich men cannot enter the heaven though Islam holds positive points toward trading because Islam’s founder, Muhammad was a merchant, therefore ranking merchant highly. Although the two religions initially have opposite ideas, before 16th century, they changed and assimilated individually and created their own peculiarity.…
Religion spread throughout the world a long time ago, and was used for many various reasons. For instance, it helped the military, used to influence others, and sometimes, they were also used to affect the government in different empires. The Byzantine Empire’s major religion was Christianity and it has helped govern the empire in countless ways. Also, Islam helped out with the government in Islamic Caliphates. But the religions didn’t help similarly, instead, they lent a hand to each empires very differently. Also, the effects were not always the same, they were very divergent because of the different ways they helped the Byzantine Empire and Islamic Caliphate. Until 1450, the religion played many roles including a very important one for the…
Innovations such as defense wall and architecture is one of the Byzantine legacy. Their religions: Orthodox Christians and Roman Catholic were deprived during the Byzantine time, which continue to spread until the present day. The culture, they kept Greek’s literature from dying out and made copies of them. Since the city of Constantinople developed as one of the largest city in Europe, so therefore, some of the Byzantine’s legacies has contributed to the development of Europe.…
The post-classical time period, 600 CE to 1450 CE, was a period of innovation and construction. This period was crucial to the shaping of our current society, each region was extremely diverse, but had homogenous characteristics. Such regions would be the Islamic world and the Christian world. Each of these distinctive regions were located at distant locations both exceedingly impactful, and having their own separate patterns of activity. Between both regions, each one had restricted and superficial contact between one another. In order for these two regions to come into contact with each other, both grew in space and in population, making contact easier between one another.…
A similarity of Islam and Christianity is that they both believe in one God (Christianity Jesus) (Islam Allah). A difference is that both religions have different countries of origin. Islam originated from Makkah and Madina which is situated in Saudi Arabia and Christianity originated from Jerusalem in Israel. Islam began in the 7th century, God sent his message through the prophet Mohammed showing how to worship…
Christianity and Islam are two of the most practiced religions in the world, and have been for centuries. These two faiths are both monotheistic, which means they worship one God, or Allah. Started over 2000 years ago, Christianity is based on the teachings and life of Jesus Christ and was spread throughout the Roman Empire. The religion of Islam began early in 600 C.E. by the prophet Muhammad, and he spread the word of Allah. These religions spread quickly in Europe and the Middle East. As they progressed, new trading routes came about in these areas. Overtime, Christianity and Islam developed opinions about the trading and businesses activity and the people who pursued it. According to the religion’s holy books, the Bible and Qur’an,…
The Muslims and Islam, to build their own culture, used other countries as examples such as Rome, India, and Greece, as well as the countries that they conquered. They used these examples and the different teachings of these countries to advance them to the highest level that they had ever been. The documents show different views and help explain what the achievements are, how they came to be, and also their lasting impact on the rest of the world. The first set of documents talk about what the achievements are and the way that they helped to better the Muslims in Islam. The second group of documents give evidence and explain how the Muslims accomplished these achievements and what they improved on from other countries to make theirs the best…
Trade and merchants play a major role in Christianity and Islam from their origins to the 1500’s, and even though both had similar attributes yet differed as well. Christians and Islam both had a negative outlook, both had their religious viewpoints, as well as both changed their views towards trade. Despite this, Christianity began to open up to trade, even tolerating it, while Muslims became stricter on merchants and trade.…
Periodization: There were diplomatic dealings with Harun al-Rashid. There was political turmoil and other concerns so they laid the foundation of European Christendom- a region that never experienced political unity but adopted Christianity as the dominant source if cultural authority. The Byzantine Empire remained a political and economic powerhouse of the postclassical world. It was also an urbanized center of manufacturing and a highly productive society that both supported and benefited from trade throughout the eastern hemisphere. Both the Byzantine Empire and the European states to the west inherited…
Simon Barton of the University of Exeter writes in his book review concerning the work, The Great Arab Conquests: How the Spread of Islam Changed the World We Live In: “Why did Islam prove so conspicuously successful in galvanizing the energies of its adherents? Why was it, given that the Muslims achieved no significant breakthrough in military technology that the well-established great powers with which they came into conflict – notably the Byzantine and Persian empires in the east – or the Visigothic kingdom in the west proved unable to halt their advance?” (Sidelko 2009, 466) The fact that the emerging Muslim society didn't appear to have an overwhelming advantage in the years leading up to the seventh century growth explosion of Islam begs the very question that Simon Barton just asked. In this paper, I will attempt to discuss some of the conditions that help account for the rapid spread of Islam during the 7th century, such as the political conditions surrounding the Byzantine Empire, conditions surrounding Orthodoxy and Catholicism, and conditions surrounding the…
The three largest Muslim empires that extended from the Mediterranean to the Bay of Bengal include the Ottoman, Mughal, and Safavid empires. Each of these empires is unique in their own right, but commonalities exist among the three. Firstly, these are Muslim empires, ruled by individuals practicing the faith of Islam. Therefore, the restrictions and guidelines within Islam were present in these civilizations. Notably, tolerance for other religions and rules for war etiquette is in Islam and practiced by those leaders. Secondly, the origins of Ottoman, Mughal, and Safavid culture can be traced to Turkic and other nomadic cultures. Thirdly, The Ottoman, Mughal, and Safavid empires are known as the “Gunpowder Empires” due to their effective usage…
Christianity and Islam were similar and different in the 11th century socially in the power limits for women, how many wives a man was allowed, and religious heirarchy. Intellectual similarities and differences are books and religious influence. Economically, the differences and similarities are dessimination and the origins of the religions.…
The Byzantine and Medieval Western Europe were similar and different politically and socially. Similarly, they were both considered “Roman,” and both were organized by a hierarchy. However, the Byzantine obeyed by Justinian’s law code, and Medieval Western Europe obeyed the 12 tables.…
The first similarity is: (Christianity) Bow down to me, the ONE and only; (Islam) Follow Shahadah, there’s only ONE Allah. In addition these two rules from each religion are similar, because they are both saying that there is only one God. The second similarity is: (Christianity) You should pray each and every Sunday and (Islam) Pray five times, there two rules are the same as saying that you have to pray. Third similarity is that you have to help/donate money to those who needs it. Fourth similarity is compared to being good or have good actions. Christianity and Islam have also a lot of differences too; the differences from Christianity are: (first) don’t have anyone as an idol, they shouldn’t have that title. (Second) you better not say God's name in vain, don’t do it , abstain. (Third) put your parents on a pedestal, what they do for you is unforgettable. (Fourth) do NOT murder, God is not a supporter. (Fifth) you must do without, the Five-Finger discount and the last (sixth) difference is that the truth must be told, or your nose will grow like Pinocchio; in contrast the differences from Islam is: Going to Makkah is something you can’t dodge to take a trip and go to the…