Academic success is setting high expectations for all students and giving positive to students that have the power to influence their peers, this resembles our “student leadership team,” it is then the teacher’s responsibility to ensure these students experience success. Cultural competence, as teachers we cannot change the background of our students, but what we need to do is help them value their culture. On example according to Ladson-Billings is to “encourage students to use their home language while they acquire the secondary discourse of “standard English.” The third criteria of CRT is developing cultural consciousness which is basically the teacher thinking outside the box when planning and teaching lessons. With outdated textbooks and in some cases lack of textbooks teachers need to bring in sources that up to date and relevant to their
Academic success is setting high expectations for all students and giving positive to students that have the power to influence their peers, this resembles our “student leadership team,” it is then the teacher’s responsibility to ensure these students experience success. Cultural competence, as teachers we cannot change the background of our students, but what we need to do is help them value their culture. On example according to Ladson-Billings is to “encourage students to use their home language while they acquire the secondary discourse of “standard English.” The third criteria of CRT is developing cultural consciousness which is basically the teacher thinking outside the box when planning and teaching lessons. With outdated textbooks and in some cases lack of textbooks teachers need to bring in sources that up to date and relevant to their