Culture exists in every society. It is the specific learned norms based on attitudes, values and beliefs. It shares by a large group of people. Culture is often based on long standing traditions that have been passed from elders to the younger generation. Culture not only influences daily life but also affects business transaction that takes place in that community. Culture can vary from country to country and even area to area doing business in a foreign country can cause complications for even the best of business managers. Culture is an essential part of conflict and conflict resolution. Cultures giving us message that shape our perceptions, judgments, and ideas of self and other. Cultures are more than language, dress, and food customs. Cultures are always changing and relate to the symbolic dimension of life. The symbolic dimension is the place we are making meaning and have our identities. Cultural messages from the groups we belong to give us information about what is meaningful or important and who we are in the world.
2. What is meant by value?
A set of value that underlines attitudes and actions of members of social grouping is culture. Values are typically based on moral, societal or religious perception that are learned in childhood and modified through experiences. It is a basic conviction that people have about right or wrong, good or bad, and important or unimportant. Differences in cultural values may result in varying management practices. For example, in collectivist setting, the values tend to be privileged are cooperation, participation in shared progress, reputation of the group. However, in the individualist settings, the values tend to be privileged is competition, independence, individual achievement and personal growth.
4. Will cultural differences decline or intensify as roadblock to international understanding? A good example of decline in barriers between cultures when international business or travel is done is the European Union. With all countries included have the same monetary system, similar beliefs and very similar laws. It is much easier now to travel and conduct business in different countries.