Laura Pawuk
HON 201
9 September, 2014
Culture & Music Reflection
"Culture" is defined as the belief systems and value orientations that influence customs, norms, practices, and social institutions, including psychological processes and organizations It acknowledges that all individuals are cultural beings and have a cultural, ethnic, and racial heritage. Culture has been described as the personification of a worldview through learned and transmitted beliefs, values, and practices, including religious and spiritual traditions. It also encompasses a way of living informed by the historical, economic, ecological, and political forces on a group.
The biological basis of race has, at times, been the source of fairly heated debates in psychology. Helms and Cook (1999) note that "race" has no consensual definition, and that, in fact, biological racial categories and phenotypic characteristics have more within group variation than between group variation. In these Guidelines, the definition of race is considered to be socially constructed, rather than biologically determined. Race, then, is the category to which others assign individuals on the basis of physical characteristics, such as skin color or hair type, and the generalizations and stereotypes made as a result. Thus, "people are treated or studied as though they belong to biologically defined racial groups on the basis of such characteristics".
One of the cultures that have influenced me has been the Hispanic/Latino culture. Both my parents were born in Mexico, therefore my norms, beliefs, traditions, and everything else that sums up culture, was taught and derived from the Hispanic culture. Another culture that has influenced me has been the American culture. Since I was born in the United States, I was also surrounded by the American Culture. While growing up, I was being taught and shaped into the Hispanic culture, but I was also learning about the American culture. Quickly, I began to follow and