In the story Curley’s wife is talking to Lennie and she starts to think of him as a baby because he is slow, but then he killed her for telling him to stop touching her hair. Steinbeck tells us that she meets and started dating Curley (who’s about 26 at the time) when she was 15, So she must be young. Curley’s wife tells lennie” on the same day she meets the pitcher, she meet Curley”, Also Lennie said“I likes touching soft things”, and then started touching her hair. Then Curley’s wife said” don't mess it up, STOP!” but Lennie held it tighter. Curley’s wife is lonely and was stripped of her dreams, So it makes sense for her to talk to people, but Lennie killing her because she told him to stop that's a villain.
Curley’s wife is the victim because she was mistreated and killed,she just wanted attention, to feel famous but she was killed for trying to get a friend. If a victim is not treated like that, then snow white must be the villain in her