(Individual exercise)
(16 May 2012)
By: To:
Introduction: 3 Part 1 3 Economic partnerships 3 How does this agreement increase value and earnings for NZ? 5 What are the non-trade? 6 Part 2 7 What is one specific NZ business sector from the proposed agreement? 7 What are the advantages or disadvantages to this business? 7 Modifications to the proposed agreement to augment possible advantages? 8 Conclusion 9 References 9
This report will show how economic partnership agreements add value through exports and overseas earnings that are good for business, the country, and the people. This report will cover the trade and non-trade effects of such an agreement. One agreement that will be considered is the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement that has grown from the base agreement of four countries, namely New Zealand, Chile, Brunei, and Singapore, also known as the P4. The TPP includes another five countries negotiating along with the original P4 countries.
Part 1 will discuss how free trade will add value to NZ exports and overseas earnings through regional trade agreements, and economic integration, and why New Zealand (NZ), is known, as a proficient free trade negotiator and excellent economic partner. What are the benefits and where to in the future.
Part 2 The TPP has implications for New Zealand businesses, so we will explore implications from the proposed partnership agreement and suggest any recommendations that may augment or mitigate any advantages or disadvantages. Fonterra is a global business that exports 95% of their production to over 100 markets. How does the world leading dairy exporter benefit from negotiating a successful completion to the TPP.
In conclusion, the
References: Charteris, A. and N. Winchester (2010). "Dairy disaggregation and joint production in an economy-wide model*‡." Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 54(4): 491-507. Dairy Exporter (2012,April). Fonterra announces new plant in Indonesia. Dairy Exporter. Elms, D. (2012,April). "Getting from here to there: Stitching together goods agreements in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement." RSIS Working Paper:S Fonterra. (2011,July). "About us:Key facts." Retrieved 2012,May, from http://www.fonterra.com/wps/wcm/connect/fonterracom/fonterra.com/our+business/fonterra+at+a+glance/about+us/key+facts. Krugman, P., R. and M. Obstfeld (2000,June). International economics:theory and policy. Menlo Park,California, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. Layton, A., T. Robinson, et al. (2009). Economics for today, Thompson Learning Australia. Lipsey, R. G. and K. Lancaster (1956-1957). "The general theory of second best." The review of economic studies 24(1): pp.11,32. Main Document (2006). Trans -pacific strategic partnership agreement. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, T. (2012,April). "Trade relations and agreements. ." (Retrieved April, 24 ,2012, from ): http://www.mfat.govt.nz/Trade-and-Economic-Relations/2-Trade-Relationships-and-Agreements/index.php#what. National Business Review. (2010,Mar). "Fonterra rejects US trade fears." National Business Review Retrieved 2012,May7, from http://www.nbr.co.nz/article/fonterra-rejects-us-free-trade-fears-120468. NZ Dairy Exporter (2012, April). China: Huge market grows rapidly. NZ Dairy Exporter. Shakur, S. (2011,Oct). "New Zealand -India free trade agreement: A numerical analysis,NZ-India FTA presentation.pdf." Trade Ministers (2011,Nov)