Cells and Microscopes
Source (staple a copy of the article to the back of your assignment)
Popular Science magazine, MSNBC News online, CNN online, National Geographic magazine, AZ Game & Fish Dept. website, etc
What is a stem cell? : https://student.societyforscience.org/article/what-stem-cell
Summary of current event (at least 8 sentences)
What is this current event discussing? Incclude important details to help readers understand the topic. A stem cell is a cell that can specialize into different types. There are two main categories: adult stem cells and pluripotent stem cells. Adult cells are found in people all ages, their job is to replace cells that wear out. They can develop into many different types of cells, but not all types. Pluripotent stem cells can become any type of cell. All cells in an embryo are pluripotent stem cells. Researchers have harvested pluripotent cells from embryos. Scientists refer to them as embryonic stem cells. In recent advances, a third type of stem cell, the induced pluripotent stem cell. It behaves like an embryonic stem cell but can be made from any cell.
Definitions (of important scientific terms listed in the article)
If there are no terms that need to be defined, please state “no definitions needed” after this heading embryo A vertebrate, or animal with a backbone, in its early stages of development. pluripotent A type of stem cell that can mature into any type of cell, be it in skin, the brain, the bone or some other type of tissue.
Importance (at least 3 sentences)
Why is this current event important? How does it help the organism involved? How does it help society? This current event is important because it explains the three types of stem cells. It helps the organism involved by making new cells. It helps society because it lets them know about the stem cells living inside them.
Relationship to biology (at least 3 sentences)