1. KTSP ( School Based Curriculum / SBC ) 2006
According to Abdullah (2009:319-320) government regulations No.19, 2005 on National Education standard(Bab 1 pasal 1 ayat 15), KTSP is an operational curriculum developed and implemented in each educational unit. KTSP is the refinement of the curriculum 2004.
Based on that definition, the school was given full authority to develop and implement the curriculum. KTSP( SBC ) was implemented according to the ability of schools by providing greater autonomy to the principal in the development of curriculum for each school to know more about the condition of their education unit.
2. CURRICULUM 2013 ( National Character Curriculum )
Changes in curriculum will be applied in 2013 has an aim to increase the curiosity of students and encourage students to be active. In the new curriculum, students are no longer the object but rather a subject to participate in developing the subject or materials. This change, as an effect, a variety of standards in the education component will be change, such as content standards, process standards and competency standards.
What about the standard of assessment? What will be assessed by teachers with different teaching system? Minister of Education and Culture Mohammad Nuh, said that the standard of assessment in the new curriculum is different from the previous curriculum. Remembering the goal to encourage students are active in each learning material, then one of component of a student's assessment if the child is a lot to ask.
1. KTSP ( School Based Curriculum ) * The purpose of KTSP : * The general objective is to make the implementation of KTSP and empower independent education units through the provision of authority (autonomy) to educational institution and encourage schools to do participatory decision-making in curriculum development. * In particular, the implementation of KTSP purpose is to: a) Improve the