Whatever happened to curriculum theory? Critical realism and curriculum change
Mark Priestley*
School of Education, University of Stirling, Stirling, UK In the face of what has been characterised by some as a ‘crisis’ in curriculum – an apparent decline of some aspects of curriculum studies combined with the emergence of new types of national curricula which downgrade knowledge – some writers have been arguing for the use of realist theory to address these issues. This article offers a contribution to this debate, drawing upon critical realism, and especially upon the social theory of Margaret Archer. The article first outlines the supposed crisis in curriculum, before providing an overview of some of the key tenets of critical realism. It concludes by speculating on how critical realism may offer new ways of thinking to inform policy and practice in a key curricular problematic. This is the issue of curriculum change. Keywords: curriculum; critical realism; curriculum change; curriculum theory
Introduction There is an emerging view in some areas that we face a ‘crisis’ of curriculum (Wheelahan 2010). While such rhetoric may be overblown, there is some validity in the notion that curriculum theory and practice are confronted by new uncertainties, and that such uncertainties require new approaches to practice, and new ways of thinking. There are two major facets of this situation. The first concerns the recent emergence in curriculum policy around the world of new models of national curriculum. Such curricula tend to be characterised by various common features, notably a structural basis in outcomes sequenced into linear levels, and a focus on generic skills or capacities instead of a detailed specification of knowledge/content. As such, they have been criticised for stripping knowledge out of the curriculum (Young 2008; Priestley 2010; Wheelahan 2010). The second facet of this crisis
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