“It is a body of subjects or subject matter prepared by the teachers for the students to learn”, and is synonymous to course of study and syllabus.
*According to Robert Hutchins, curriculum is permanent study which emphasizes rules of grammar, reading, rhetoric and logic and mathematics needed for basic education which gives importance to the 3Rs while college education is for liberal education * Arthur Bestor, an essentialist, believes that the school should be the training ground for the intellect, hence, curriculum should give emphasis on the fundamental disciplines – grammar, literature, writing, mathematics, science, history and even foreign language. * Joseph Schwab believes that the main source of curriculum is discipline, hence it is divided into subject areas- English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and others. Humanities, other sciences, languages and others are added. Schwab maintained that discipline is the basic doctrine for curriculum development and that curriculum should be composed only of knowledge based on disciplines.
Curriculum is traditionally viewed as a field of study made up of its foundations; domains of knowledge, research theories and principles, is scholarly, theoretical, a written document or plan of action to realize target goals.
2. Progressive Points of View of Curriculum
*Progressivists believe that the list of school subjects, syllabi, course of study and list of courses can only be considered curriculum unless actualized by students. * Curriculum is generally defined as the learners total learning experiences based on John Dewey’s beliefs on experience and education , that reflective thinking unifies curricular elements. He believed that thought is not a product of action but tested by application. *Caswell and Campbell believed that “