DEFINITION OF EVALUATION Curriculum evaluation is a systematic process of determining whether the curriculum as designed and implemented has produced or is producing the intended and desired results. It is the means of determining whether the program is meeting its goals, that is whether the measures / outcomes for a given set of instructional inputs match the intended or pre-specified outcomes. (Tuckman, 1979)
Types of Evaluation
1. Humanistic approach – goal free
2. Scientific approach – purpose driven
Objectives of Evaluation
1. Scope – (teaching –program-cost effectiveness)
2. Timing – (formative, summative, impact)
3. Method – ( quantitative, qualitative)
4. Level – (classroom, school, national)
5. Personnel involved – (individual teachers, committees, consultants)
Steps of Curriculum Evaluation
Focus on the particular component of the curriculum Collect or gather the information
Organize the information Analyze information
Report the information Recycle the information for the continuous feedback, modification and adjustments to be made
Evaluation Studies in the Philippines
1. 1925 Monroe Survey
2. 1959 Swanson Survey
3. 1969 Presidential Commission to Survey Philippine Education (PCSPE)
4. 1976 Survey of Outcomes of Elementary Education (SOUTELE)
5. 1982 Household and School Matching Survey
6. 1991 Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM)
7. 1991 National Evaluation and Impact Study of PRODED
1. Administrative organization and supervision
2. Elementary education
3. Secondary Education
4. Higher Education
5. Teacher education and training
6. Language of instruction
7. Private education
8. Finance
9. Education of the non-Christians
1. Elementary education
2. Secondary education
3. Vocational education
4. Teacher training
5. Organization and administration
6. Financing the public schools
7. The report included a deterioration of