Kelly Santee
Grand Canyon University: SPE 514
January 23, 2013
Table of Contents
Reading Curriculum Guide Page 3
Writing Curriculum Guide Page 7
Spelling Curriculum Guide Page 9
Math Curriculum Guide Page 11
References Page 14
Rubric Page 16
Reading Curriculum Guide
Phonological Awareness:
Elkonin Boxes: Individual or Small Group
Objective of Strategy: building phonological awareness by segmenting and blending sounds and syllables as well as identifying phonemes in a word
1. Draw Elkonin sound boxes (a box for each phoneme, or sound not letter, in the word) on paper or dry erase board. F | I | SH |
2. Distribute counters, unifix cubes, or letter tiles (if the student is ready to use the letter sounds to spell the word) and place the materials above the box. There is one object per box. 3. Model the activity – say each phoneme/sound in the word and slide the object into the corresponding box as the sound is said. Go back to the left and repeat the sounds sliding their finger in the reading direction under the sounds then blend the sounds “say it fast,” to read the word. /fff/ /iiii/ /shsh/ say it fast – fish.
Extension Activities:
Listen for a certain sound in a word. If the sound is in the beginning of the word place the counter in the first box, middle of the word place it in the middle box, end of the word place the counter in the last box.
Give the student several letters after letter-sound correspondence has been introduced then say a word and as you say the word, the student moves the correct letter into the correct box. After this you can also have the students manipulate the phonemes by changing one sound to make a new word and the student has to change the correct sound in the correct box.
Say a word and have the student write and spell the word in the boxes.
("Classroom strategies elkonin," 2013)
Syllable Patterns:
References: Fluency fluent phrasing f.012. (2006). Retrieved from Intervention central main idea maps Phonics syllable patterns p.029. (2006). Retrieved from Writing: Harris, K.R., Graham, S., Mason, L.H., & Friedlander, B. (2008). Pow + www. Powerful writing strategies for all students (pp. 77 – 126). Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes. Effective spelling strategies. (2013). Retrieved from Snowball, D Steedly, K., Dragoo, K., Arefeh, S., & Luke, S. D. (2012, August). Effective math instruction. Retrieved from Templates [PowerPoint slides]