What is Curriculum?
“Noun (plural curricula /-lə/ or curriculums) –
The subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college: course components of the school curriculum” (Oxford Online Dictionary, 2012)
Who can define curriculum? When looking at a simple definition we find that curriculum is in fact a very broad term not dictating a single course of study.
Kelly (2009:7) criticises the most basic and direct definitions when used within varied teaching and instruction programmes, failing their recognitions of educational and moral dimensions of the school curriculum suggesting a greater and deeper dimensional approach to the actual work that learners will undertake.
In suggesting that curriculum cannot be simply defined through a single component, a good starting point would be to determine the difference between prescribed and hidden curriculum.
Prescribed Curriculum
This is delivered through the aspects within curriculum providing a means to an end. “…a defined and prescribed course of studies, which students must fulfil in order to pass a certain level of education.”
(WiseGeek, 2012)
Course standards and specifications, with clear indicative guidelines on assessment methods support educational environments in measuring final outcomes. Prescriptive curriculum sits comfortably within product-based theories of education.
Armatige et al (2007:179) considered a number of definitions of curriculum which appear to favour these theories: * The curriculum is the organisation’s plan to guide learning towards pre-specified learning outcomes; * a structured series of learning outcomes; * It lays down what’s to be covered and to some extent the teaching and learning methods to be used.
Tyler (1949) suggested that 4 elements make up a curriculum. His ‘Objectives Approach’ (Kelly 2009) listed 4 fundamental questions which must be answered when developing curriculum.
References: Armatige et al. (2007) Teaching and Training in Post Compulsory Education (3rd Edition) – Maidenhead; OUP Bloomer, M Leitch,S . (2006) The Leitch Review of Skills, Final Report December 2006 [Online] 27/12/12; http://www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/d/leitch_finalreport051206.pdf Neary, M