By Bluebird
In Streets of Gold: The Myth of the Model Minority by Curtis Chang, he discusses the stereotypes labeled against Asian-Americans and explains how the U.S. Society sees them as the “model minority”. He goes to the core of the “model minority” assumption, and shows the reader how the media heavily influences these ideas. He shows how cultural patterns within the Asian-American society fuel these ideas. Chang uses very interesting ways of presenting evidence by putting quotes within his piece thoughtfully, so that the quotes blend in with the paragraph. The author also has a humorous voice throughout the essay, which connects to the reader with the subject as if it were a one on one conversation. Chang uses very simplistic word choice to appeal to an even broader audience. All these aspects combined, Chang produces a very compelling piece that speaks to the reader.
The voice in Chang’s piece engages the reader and makes his arguments hard to disagree with. As an Asian-American, Chang puts a personal voice into the piece, which makes it almost feel like a story. “Over 100 years ago, an American myth misled many of my ancestors.” (Chang, 513) He also structures the piece in such a way that he pokes fun at the media using an almost ironic tone. “First, it lumps all Asian-Americans into one monolithic homogenous yellow skinned mass.” (Chang, 515) Many of the strategies he uses to put himself in the piece are the words like, “us”. “The Model Minority myth introduces us as an ethnic minority…” (Chang, 514) “Our”: “national magazines have trumpeted our ‘remarkable, ever-mounting achievements’ (Newsweek, Dec. 6, 1982).” (Chang, 514) and “my”: “American myth misled many of my ancestors.”(Chang, 513) This makes it sound more natural and the reader will easily to connect to the writing. Having known that the author has had a personal experience around the subject gives the reader a feeling of security that in turn, makes