
Model Minority Myth Research Paper

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Evan Smith
Contemporary Issues

The model minority myth is a flawed and harmful ideology perpetuated on people of Asian descent by the white upper classes to oppress other historically underrepresented peoples. The model minority myth, as interpreted by Dr. Kong, is a tool of whites to oppress all minorities by creating racial triangulation in society. It praises Asians as a whole, yet marks them as foreign enemies, all while alienating everyone else and maintaining the classic Eurocentric dominance structure currently in use in American society. The model minority myth affects everyone by creating a societal ladder that cannot be climbed by other underrepresented peoples, but are expected to by the white dominant class.
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It hurts many students of Asian descent because they are expected to do well no matter what, which can add to stress and degrade psychological, emotional, and physical health. The model minority myth also adds to the already prevalent microaggressions many people face daily. It discredits Asians work by writing it off as natural and it discourages others from succeeding by insinuating that they cannot succeed to the levels of whites and Asians. The model minority myth is also perpetuated through data diffusion. Asia is humongous and contains countless different cultures and ethnicities, so by clumping all Asians together in data surveys it hides the groups weakness. According to research done by Dr. Kong, ethnic groups such as Hmongs and Mongolians struggle economically in America, but are classified as Asian. This means that the de-minoritization of Asians hurts these smaller groups the most. This displays that the white upper classes, while praising the success of Asians as a whole also maintaining their weaknesses to maintain the power

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