Customer Expectations When speaking to the customers of Jitterbug Diner, their expectations were very strait forward. The same buzzwords came up over and over; friendly atmosphere, timely service, and quality food. These are traits that everyone would expect when going out for a meal at a restaurant. The first customers I spoke to were finishing up their first visit to the diner. Their initial visit expectations were heavily influenced by an event they had participated in, Taste of Kelowna. They actually never got to sample the food from Jitterbug because the lineup was so long outside the diner. They assumed from this that the food must have been great if it was worth waiting for. They also expected the service would be friendly,
Customer Expectations When speaking to the customers of Jitterbug Diner, their expectations were very strait forward. The same buzzwords came up over and over; friendly atmosphere, timely service, and quality food. These are traits that everyone would expect when going out for a meal at a restaurant. The first customers I spoke to were finishing up their first visit to the diner. Their initial visit expectations were heavily influenced by an event they had participated in, Taste of Kelowna. They actually never got to sample the food from Jitterbug because the lineup was so long outside the diner. They assumed from this that the food must have been great if it was worth waiting for. They also expected the service would be friendly,