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Customer’s perception of service quality of State Bank of India - A Factor Analysis
Department of Commerce, Avinashilingam Deemed University for Women, Coimbatore, India
Abstract Customer service is an integral part of any organization. It is necessary to identify the key success factors in terms of customer satisfaction so as to survive in intense competition and increase the market share. Today, the concept of core banking has made ‘Any where and any time’ banking a reality. Along with technology, banking services have also evolved and the delivery of various banking products are carried out through the medium of high technology at a fraction of the cost to the customer. In this scenario the present study was conducted to evaluate the service quality of State Bank of India by identifying the major factors responsible for customer satisfaction. To support the objective of the study, SERVQUAL technique based on the model developed by A. Parasuraman et al (1988) was adopted. The factor analysis clearly indicates that among five dimensions ‘Reliability’, ‘Responsiveness’, ‘Empathy’ and ‘Tangibility’ are the major factors responsible for customer satisfaction which stood at 90 percent regarding the services provided by State Bank of India. Keywords Service quality, empathy, reliability, tangibility I. Introduction Technology has now brought in E-banking, which is gradually replacing the traditional branch banking. The customers are able to choose their banker from a number of banks offering wide range of services and delivering quality service. The commercial banks in India are now becoming more market oriented and customer friendly. Efforts are being taken to improve their competitiveness through enhanced service quality, which is vital for keeping their customers well contented and satisfied. Satisfied customers are central to optimal
References: [1] Parasuraman, Valarie A Zeithaml, Leonard L. Berry (1991),, “Refinement and reassessment of servqual scale” Journal of retailing, Vol-6, number 4, pp-420-450. [2] Teas, R. K. (1993), “Expectations, Performance Evaluation, and Consumers’ Perceptions of Quality”, Journal of Marketing, Volume 57, No. 4, pp. 18-34. [3] A.Parasuraman, Valarie A.Zeithaml , Leonard L. Berry(1988), “Servqual:A multiple- Item scale for measuring consumer perceptions off service quality”, journal of retailing, Vol 64, No.1,pp.12. [4] Zeithaml, V.A.,Parasuraman, A. and Malhotra, A.(2002), “Service quality delivery through web site”, journal of the academy of marketing science. [5] Parasuraman, A.,Zeithaml, V.A. and Malhotra, A.(2005), “E-S-Qual:A Multiple-item scale for assessing electronic service quality”, Journal of service research, pp 213233. [6] Uppal,R.K., and Rimpi Kaur(2007), “Quality Of Services in E-Banks And Traditional Banks: An Empirical Study of Employee’s Perceptions In India”, The ICFAIAN Journal of Management Research, Vol.VI, No.2, February, pp.2635. The first factor, reliability, accounted for 30.246 percent of the total explained variance. This factor was defined by six items and was primarily related with the concept of providing security to customers. The second factor, responsiveness, explained 27.805 percent of the variance, and encompassed seven items, related to the concept of providing prompt service to the customers. The third factor, empathy, explained 16.198 percent of the variance, and was constructed by four scale items, which was primarily associated with the concept of taking effort to understand the customers’ requirements. . The fourth factor ‘tangibility’ explained 15.856 percent of the variance related with the appearance of the physical facilities and the materials associated with the service It reveals that customers are highly satisfied with the variables under reliability factor with largest proportion of 30.246 percent. The over all customer satisfaction towards the service rendered by the State Bank of India regarding the four factors namely reliability, responsiveness, empathy and tangibility stood at 90.105 percent. Thus the high loading indicates that the factor strongly influences the customer satisfaction. The factor loading of more the .07 has high impact on the variables, so it was concluded that the variables which are less than 70 percent need attention for the quality improvement in State Bank of India. Thus the variables under assurance i.e. the security aspects should need more attention by the banker to improve the service quality in State Bank of India. X. Conclusion Service quality should be used as a strategic tool to get a competitive advantage over the competitors. With the increasing levels of globalization of the Indian banking industry, and adoption of universal banks, the competition in the banking industry has intensified. Any where’ and ‘any time banking now become a reality .Recognition of service quality now acts as a competitive weapon. Analysis of gap score reveals that in State Bank of India ‘Empathy’ has maximum average score of 3.240 among other four dimensions. The factor analysis clearly indicates that among five dimensions ‘Reliability’, ‘Responsiveness’, ‘Empathy’ and ‘Tangibility’ are the major factors responsible for customer satisfaction which stood at 90 percent regarding the services provided by State Bank of India. Thus based on the percent level of customer satisfaction, the State Bank of India has scope to improve the quality of the Dr. G. Santhiyavalli is a post graduate in commerce and received M.Phil and Ph.D Degree in commerce from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. Starting her professional career in 1977 as a lecturer in commerce in Avinashilingam Deemed University, Coimbatore, she has been actively engaged in teaching and research for the past 34 years. As head of the department since 1994, she is instrumental in converting an undergraduate department into a active postgraduate research department. She is actively involved in guiding candidates for M.Phil and Ph.D research programmes. She has guided 12 M.phil dissertations, published 10 papers and currently guiding 6 candidates for M.phil and Ph.D. Her research interest include banking, corporate finance, behavioural finance and consumer behaviour. 84 InternatIonal Journal of ManageMent & BusIness studIes w w w. i j m b s. c o m